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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 63-68.

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Effect of Complex Carbon Source on Synthesis and Chromaticity of C@ZrSiO4 Pigment

ZHANG Xiao-jun;PAN Ting;JIANG Wei-hui;CHEN Ting;LIU Jian-min;XU Yan-qiao   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: C@ ZrSiO4 black encapsulation pigment was prepared by a nonhydrolytic sol-gel ( NHSG ) method, using the composite of rice husk and phenolic resin ( PF ) as carbon source, zirconium tetrachloride ( ZrCl4 ) and tetraethoxysilane ( TEOS ) as raw materials, lithium fluoride ( LiF ) as mineralizer, respectively. The phase composition and the morphology of the pigment were studied by means of X-ray diffraction patterns ( XRD) and transmission electron microscope ( TEM) , respectively, and the chromatic value of the pigment was investigated by CIE-L?a?b?color system. The experiment results indicate that the phenolic resin can be used as carbon resource and the dispersant for rice husk. The chromatic value of the pigment from carbon composite is lower than that of the single carbon resource, i. e. rice husk and PF. When the addition amount of PF is 15wt; and the compound colorants amount is 2. 50wt;, the C@ ZrSiO4 black pigment exhibited excellent chromatic performance after calcining under nitrogen atmosphere at 1000 ℃ for 1 h, as L?=39. 02, a?=1. 14, b?=2. 68.

Key words: C@ ZrSiO4 black encapsulation pigment was prepared by a nonhydrolytic sol-gel ( NHSG ) method, using the composite of rice husk and phenolic resin ( PF ) as carbon source, zirconium tetrachloride ( ZrCl4 ) and tetraethoxysilane ( TEOS ) as raw materials, lithium fluoride ( LiF ) as mineralizer, respectively. The phase composition and the morphology of the pigment were studied by means of X-ray diffraction patterns ( XRD) and transmission electron microscope ( TEM) , respectively, and the chromatic value of the pigment was investigated by CIE-L?a?b?color system. The experiment results indicate that the phenolic resin can be used as carbon resource and the dispersant for rice husk. The chromatic value of the pigment from carbon composite is lower than that of the single carbon resource, i. e. rice husk and PF. When the addition amount of PF is 15wt; and the compound colorants amount is 2. 50wt;, the C@ ZrSiO4 black pigment exhibited excellent chromatic performance after calcining under nitrogen atmosphere at 1000 ℃ for 1 h, as L?=39. 02, a?=1. 14, b?=2. 68.

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