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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 374-380.

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Application of Grey Theory to Flotation Experiment

ZHAO Min-jie;FANG Jian-jun;ZHANG Lin;DAI Zong;YAO Zhang-wei   

  • Online:2017-02-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The feasibility of Grey theory analysis in mineral flotation experiment was discyssed.A response surface methodology model was established for malachite flotation.The dosage of sodium sulphide,isoamyl xanthate and ammonium sulfate was chosed as independent variable and recovery as dependent variable by the designing scheme of CCD.The results show that significance from large to small are as isoamyl xanthate,ammonium sulfate and sodium sulphide.Grey theory model was established based on the data of Response Surface Methodology,The dosage of sodium sulphide,isoamyl xanthate and ammonium sulfate was chosed as comparison sequence and recovery of malachite fotation as reference sequence,The correlation degree analysis of three reagent dosage are in accordance with the Sorting of significant of Response surface method.The result indicate that Grey theory analysis can be applied to flotation experiment as a useful method to learn.

Key words: The feasibility of Grey theory analysis in mineral flotation experiment was discyssed.A response surface methodology model was established for malachite flotation.The dosage of sodium sulphide,isoamyl xanthate and ammonium sulfate was chosed as independent variable and recovery as dependent variable by the designing scheme of CCD.The results show that significance from large to small are as isoamyl xanthate,ammonium sulfate and sodium sulphide.Grey theory model was established based on the data of Response Surface Methodology,The dosage of sodium sulphide,isoamyl xanthate and ammonium sulfate was chosed as comparison sequence and recovery of malachite fotation as reference sequence,The correlation degree analysis of three reagent dosage are in accordance with the Sorting of significant of Response surface method.The result indicate that Grey theory analysis can be applied to flotation experiment as a useful method to learn.

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