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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 439-444.

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Properties of Impurites and Defects in Crsystalline Silicon Solar Cell Based on the Dark I-V Characteristic Curves

SONG Yang;LU Xiao-dong;WANG Ze-lai;ZHAO Yang;LYU Hang;ZHANG Yu-feng   

  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The dark I-V characteristic curve is an effective method to monitor the impurities and defects in the crystalline silicon solar cells.The influence of the properties of impurities and defects on the dark I-V characteristic curve has been systematically discussed by finite difference method, and the basic criteria for determining the type and distribution of impurities and defects in the crystalline silicon solar cells by the dark I-V characteristic curve is given, the results show that the obvious change of the dark I-V characteristic curve can be considered to be caused by the impurities and defects in the silicon solar cell under the forward bias conditions which voltage is greater than 0.75 V;the partition properties of the ideal factor of the dark I-V characteristic curve can be used as the basis of the bulk and surface impurities and defects of the crystalline silicon solar cell under the forward bias conditions which voltage is between 0.1V and 0.75 V.

Key words: The dark I-V characteristic curve is an effective method to monitor the impurities and defects in the crystalline silicon solar cells.The influence of the properties of impurities and defects on the dark I-V characteristic curve has been systematically discussed by finite difference method, and the basic criteria for determining the type and distribution of impurities and defects in the crystalline silicon solar cells by the dark I-V characteristic curve is given, the results show that the obvious change of the dark I-V characteristic curve can be considered to be caused by the impurities and defects in the silicon solar cell under the forward bias conditions which voltage is greater than 0.75 V;the partition properties of the ideal factor of the dark I-V characteristic curve can be used as the basis of the bulk and surface impurities and defects of the crystalline silicon solar cell under the forward bias conditions which voltage is between 0.1V and 0.75 V.

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