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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 501-506.

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Light Absorption Enhancement of Organic Solar Cells Incorporated by Nanospheres and Core/Shell Nanospheres

CHEN Ming;REN Jing-kun;ZHANG Ye   

  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The paper investigates the light trapping capability enhancement of the active layer incorporating silica nanosphere, silver nanosphere, silica/silver core/shell-nanospheres, and silver /silica core/shell-nanospheres respectively in the patterned organic solar cells.The results show that compared with the structurally identical planar control cell, the integrated light absorption efficiency in the active layer incorporating silica nanospheres is enhanced by 9.95;, the integrated light absorption efficiency of the active layer incorporating silver nanospheres is enhanced by 11.0;.In addition, the study on organic solar cells incorporating the core/shell nanospheres reveals that the efficiency including silica/silver core/shell-nanosphere increases with the increase of silver coating thickness increase.Moreover, as the metal coating thickness is 16 nm, this light absorption enhancement performance approximates the optimal organic solar cell with silica nanospheres and both absorption spectra exhibit nearly close.The efficiency brought by silver/silica core/shell-nanospheres decreases by the decrease of silica coating thickness.Compared with the silver nanospheres, both exhibit the approximate enhancement performance and approximate absorption spectra as coating thickness is fixed 1 nm.Through the study of light absorption enhancement performance of the active layer incorporating dielectric nanospheres, metal nanospheres, and core/shell-nanospheres, this paper provides the guideline for choose nanospheres and core/shell structures incorporated in the active layer into enhancing the light absorption.

Key words: The paper investigates the light trapping capability enhancement of the active layer incorporating silica nanosphere, silver nanosphere, silica/silver core/shell-nanospheres, and silver /silica core/shell-nanospheres respectively in the patterned organic solar cells.The results show that compared with the structurally identical planar control cell, the integrated light absorption efficiency in the active layer incorporating silica nanospheres is enhanced by 9.95;, the integrated light absorption efficiency of the active layer incorporating silver nanospheres is enhanced by 11.0;.In addition, the study on organic solar cells incorporating the core/shell nanospheres reveals that the efficiency including silica/silver core/shell-nanosphere increases with the increase of silver coating thickness increase.Moreover, as the metal coating thickness is 16 nm, this light absorption enhancement performance approximates the optimal organic solar cell with silica nanospheres and both absorption spectra exhibit nearly close.The efficiency brought by silver/silica core/shell-nanospheres decreases by the decrease of silica coating thickness.Compared with the silver nanospheres, both exhibit the approximate enhancement performance and approximate absorption spectra as coating thickness is fixed 1 nm.Through the study of light absorption enhancement performance of the active layer incorporating dielectric nanospheres, metal nanospheres, and core/shell-nanospheres, this paper provides the guideline for choose nanospheres and core/shell structures incorporated in the active layer into enhancing the light absorption.

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