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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 514-518.

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Effect of V2O5 Doping on the Structure and Properties of 0.6SrTiO3-0.4LaAlO3 Microwave Dielectric Ceramics

HUANG Chun-e;LU Xiao-rong;LU Min-yao;HUAN Yuan   

  • Online:2017-03-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The changing relationship between additive amount of V2O5 and the sintered properties, dielectric properties of 6ST-4LA microwave dielectric ceramics which prepared by conventional solid-state route were investigated.The results show that small addition of V2O5 does not change the crystal phase of 6ST-4LA ceramics, the main phase of samples is SrTiO3-based solid solution.Moderate addition of V2O5 could not only dramatically lower the sintering temperature which dropped to 1450 ℃, but also increase the dielectric constant and the Quality factor(Q·f), and adjust the τf.The second phase SrVO3 appeared and increased gradually with increasing the content of V2O5.The 0.10wt; V2O5-doped 6ST-4LA ceramics sintered at 1450 ℃ have the optimal integrated microwave dielectric properties: εr=46.46 , Q·f=59219 GHz, τf=3×10-6 /℃.

Key words: The changing relationship between additive amount of V2O5 and the sintered properties, dielectric properties of 6ST-4LA microwave dielectric ceramics which prepared by conventional solid-state route were investigated.The results show that small addition of V2O5 does not change the crystal phase of 6ST-4LA ceramics, the main phase of samples is SrTiO3-based solid solution.Moderate addition of V2O5 could not only dramatically lower the sintering temperature which dropped to 1450 ℃, but also increase the dielectric constant and the Quality factor(Q·f), and adjust the τf.The second phase SrVO3 appeared and increased gradually with increasing the content of V2O5.The 0.10wt; V2O5-doped 6ST-4LA ceramics sintered at 1450 ℃ have the optimal integrated microwave dielectric properties: εr=46.46 , Q·f=59219 GHz, τf=3×10-6 /℃.

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