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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 980-986.

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Study on the Ceramic Fiber/mullite Whisker In-situ Reinforced Cordierite-mullite Lightweight Thermal Insulation Materials

QIN Meng-li;WANG Xi-tang;WANG Zhou-fu;MA yan;LIU hao   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Cordierite-mullite lightweight thermal insulation materials were prepared by the starch consolidation molding process, using kyanite, clay, magnesium oxide as raw materials, starch as pore forming agent and curing agent, and addition of the suitable amount of ceramic fibers and AlF3.Cordierite-mullite lightweight thermal insulation materials have ceramic fiber/mullite whisker interlocking structure and mullite whiskers in situ formatted on the surface of ceramic fibers.The effects of introducing aluminum silicate fiber under the action of AlF3 on microstructure, mechanical properties at room temperature and thermal conductivity of the synthesized cordierite-mullite lightweight thermal insulation materials were investigated.The results show that: under the action of AlF3 mullite whisker in the vertical growth of the surface of the aluminum silicon fiber, part interspersed with well-developed cordierite grains;cordierite-mullite lightweight thermal insulation materials with fiber/mullite whisker interlocking structure had good mechanical properties and the minimum thermal conductivity.

Key words: Cordierite-mullite lightweight thermal insulation materials were prepared by the starch consolidation molding process, using kyanite, clay, magnesium oxide as raw materials, starch as pore forming agent and curing agent, and addition of the suitable amount of ceramic fibers and AlF3.Cordierite-mullite lightweight thermal insulation materials have ceramic fiber/mullite whisker interlocking structure and mullite whiskers in situ formatted on the surface of ceramic fibers.The effects of introducing aluminum silicate fiber under the action of AlF3 on microstructure, mechanical properties at room temperature and thermal conductivity of the synthesized cordierite-mullite lightweight thermal insulation materials were investigated.The results show that: under the action of AlF3 mullite whisker in the vertical growth of the surface of the aluminum silicon fiber, part interspersed with well-developed cordierite grains;cordierite-mullite lightweight thermal insulation materials with fiber/mullite whisker interlocking structure had good mechanical properties and the minimum thermal conductivity.

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