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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1002-1008.

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Study on the Crystalline Properties of the Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 Thin Films with Different Thickness by Sputtering

ZHU Yan-xu;WANG Yue-hua;SONG Hui-hui;ZOU De-shu;LI Lai-long;SHI Dong   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The influence of the thickness of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3(PZT52/48) thin film on the crystallization and surface morphology during annealing crystallization was studied.First, the PZT molecular model was simulated by using the Materials Studio software, and the characteristic peak of PZT was obtained by X-ray diffraction;In the experiment, different temperatures and time annealing of PZT (52/48) thin films with different thickness were carried out by using annealing furnace;Then, crystalline phase of each sample was analyzed by XRD;The surface morphology of some samples was observed by FIB.The experimental results show that the impact of the thickness of the thin films and the annealing conditions on the crystalline state is consistent;For the thin films with certain thickness, the proper annealing conditions (650 ℃) can make it form a single PZT(52/48) phase;Secondary annealing has a certain effect on the crystallization of thick films, but the internal stress increases with the increase of the thickness of the sputtered film, the surface of the more thinck films that formed PZT (52/48) phase after the annealing show the more obvious cracks.

Key words: The influence of the thickness of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3(PZT52/48) thin film on the crystallization and surface morphology during annealing crystallization was studied.First, the PZT molecular model was simulated by using the Materials Studio software, and the characteristic peak of PZT was obtained by X-ray diffraction;In the experiment, different temperatures and time annealing of PZT (52/48) thin films with different thickness were carried out by using annealing furnace;Then, crystalline phase of each sample was analyzed by XRD;The surface morphology of some samples was observed by FIB.The experimental results show that the impact of the thickness of the thin films and the annealing conditions on the crystalline state is consistent;For the thin films with certain thickness, the proper annealing conditions (650 ℃) can make it form a single PZT(52/48) phase;Secondary annealing has a certain effect on the crystallization of thick films, but the internal stress increases with the increase of the thickness of the sputtered film, the surface of the more thinck films that formed PZT (52/48) phase after the annealing show the more obvious cracks.

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