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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1015-1020.

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Sintering and Microwave Dielectric Properties of LiFeTiO4 Ceramics with Spinel Crystal Structure

GUO Teng;GUO Yu;DING Zhi-jie;HUI Zhen-zhen;YE Xiang-ju;CHEN Jun-hua;GU Yan   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The synthesis characteristics of LiFeTiO4 ceramics were systematically investigated on the basis of solid-state reaction method, and crystal structures, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties were investigated for dense ceramics.It was found that single phase of LiFeTiO4 with spinel crystal structures can be obtained after the application of suitable sintering conditions, and the sintering temperature and holding time have obvious effects on the phase compositions.Critical values of sintering temperature and holding time were confirmed, for preparation of LiFeTiO4 ceramics with single phase, furthermore, ceramic materials with good dielectric properties can be obtained only when the sintering temperature and holding time had been well controlled.As the optimal sintering condition was 1090 ℃/2 h, the LiFeTiO4 ceramics have good microwave dielectric properties as ε=16.54, Q×f=15490 GHz (8.334 GHz), τf =-60.33×10-6/ ℃.

Key words: The synthesis characteristics of LiFeTiO4 ceramics were systematically investigated on the basis of solid-state reaction method, and crystal structures, microstructure and microwave dielectric properties were investigated for dense ceramics.It was found that single phase of LiFeTiO4 with spinel crystal structures can be obtained after the application of suitable sintering conditions, and the sintering temperature and holding time have obvious effects on the phase compositions.Critical values of sintering temperature and holding time were confirmed, for preparation of LiFeTiO4 ceramics with single phase, furthermore, ceramic materials with good dielectric properties can be obtained only when the sintering temperature and holding time had been well controlled.As the optimal sintering condition was 1090 ℃/2 h, the LiFeTiO4 ceramics have good microwave dielectric properties as ε=16.54, Q×f=15490 GHz (8.334 GHz), τf =-60.33×10-6/ ℃.

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