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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1088-1091.

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Influence of Calcined Magnesite with Suspension State and Accumulation State on Properties of Product

PENG Qiang;GUO Yu-xiang;QU Dian-li;SONG Yang;YAO Zhuo   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Miniature analog suspended state calcination device and muffle furnace were utilized to prepare light calcined magnesia through the rapid calcination experiments of magnesite.The decomposition rate, XRD, SEM and activity of the calcined products in the suspended state and the accumulated state were analyzed, respectively, and the effects of two different calcination methods on the characteristics of light calcined magnesia were discussed.The results indicate that the decomposition rate reaches up to 98; after 1 min calcination in suspension state, which is much higher than that in accumulation calcination.In addition, the as produced light calcinedmagnesia shows the characteristics of small grain size, low crystallinity, large specific surface area, and high activity.Suspended calcination significantly enhances the heat transfer process, speeds up the reaction rate, which makes a significant contribution to increase the production efficiency, and improve the performance and stable quality of products.Suspended calcination can be applied to large-scale production of high activity light calcined magnesia.

Key words: Miniature analog suspended state calcination device and muffle furnace were utilized to prepare light calcined magnesia through the rapid calcination experiments of magnesite.The decomposition rate, XRD, SEM and activity of the calcined products in the suspended state and the accumulated state were analyzed, respectively, and the effects of two different calcination methods on the characteristics of light calcined magnesia were discussed.The results indicate that the decomposition rate reaches up to 98; after 1 min calcination in suspension state, which is much higher than that in accumulation calcination.In addition, the as produced light calcinedmagnesia shows the characteristics of small grain size, low crystallinity, large specific surface area, and high activity.Suspended calcination significantly enhances the heat transfer process, speeds up the reaction rate, which makes a significant contribution to increase the production efficiency, and improve the performance and stable quality of products.Suspended calcination can be applied to large-scale production of high activity light calcined magnesia.

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