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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1175-1183.

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Research Progress on Synthesis of Monolayer Group-VIB Transition Metal Dichalcogenides by Chemical Vapor Deposition

ZHU Zu-song;ZHU De-quan;QIU Jun;YI Ming-fang;ZHANG Jie;WEN Jun   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Since 2004, graphene have been under extensive investigation due to its excellent optical and electrical properties.But its applications were limited greatly because of the characteristics of the zero band gap.Monolayer VIB transition metal sulfide (TMDs) is a class of ideal two-dimensional direct band gap semiconductor,which has crystal structure analogues of graphene and controllable band structure.TMDs not only can be used to explore some other fundamental and advanced physical issues such as valley polarization, but also can be widely used in nanodevices, optoelectronics and photocatalysis.In recent years, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology is a more effective method to grow TMDs compared to traditional chemical synthesis or physical exfoliation.CVD can be used to synthesize a large area of continuous, uniform thickness and high crystal quality monolayer TMDs.Therefore, this review focuses on the recent progress of monolayer TMDs CVD growth technology.The influence of process parameters,such as the reaction temperature, the composition of carrier gas, the variable substrate and the precursor-substrate distance,to the growth and properties of monolayer TMDs were discussed also.Finally, it also prospects some available ways for realizing the control of the monolayer TMDs size, the coverage and thickness uniformity by using CVD technology.

Key words: Since 2004, graphene have been under extensive investigation due to its excellent optical and electrical properties.But its applications were limited greatly because of the characteristics of the zero band gap.Monolayer VIB transition metal sulfide (TMDs) is a class of ideal two-dimensional direct band gap semiconductor,which has crystal structure analogues of graphene and controllable band structure.TMDs not only can be used to explore some other fundamental and advanced physical issues such as valley polarization, but also can be widely used in nanodevices, optoelectronics and photocatalysis.In recent years, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology is a more effective method to grow TMDs compared to traditional chemical synthesis or physical exfoliation.CVD can be used to synthesize a large area of continuous, uniform thickness and high crystal quality monolayer TMDs.Therefore, this review focuses on the recent progress of monolayer TMDs CVD growth technology.The influence of process parameters,such as the reaction temperature, the composition of carrier gas, the variable substrate and the precursor-substrate distance,to the growth and properties of monolayer TMDs were discussed also.Finally, it also prospects some available ways for realizing the control of the monolayer TMDs size, the coverage and thickness uniformity by using CVD technology.

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