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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1191-1196.

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Study on the Origin of Diamond Cutting Method

FAN Chun-li;CHENG You-fa;LIU Ji-yi;WANG Yue;ZHU Hong-wei;MA Xiao   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: First, a set of imitation diamond samples were processed, through the inspection to traceable to the national metrological verification department benchmark test, the test results verify the reliability of the results with the ratio of instrument, to achieve the purpose of indirect traceability.The uncertainty of the test results was calculated in detail.Experimental results show that the method is simple and feasible, and the cost is low.To form a method for diamond cutting traceability, and established the standard guide traceability work.The diamond cut grading standards to the national unified real.

Key words: First, a set of imitation diamond samples were processed, through the inspection to traceable to the national metrological verification department benchmark test, the test results verify the reliability of the results with the ratio of instrument, to achieve the purpose of indirect traceability.The uncertainty of the test results was calculated in detail.Experimental results show that the method is simple and feasible, and the cost is low.To form a method for diamond cutting traceability, and established the standard guide traceability work.The diamond cut grading standards to the national unified real.

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