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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (7): 1263-1266.

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Optical Parametric Oscillator Pumped by Acoustic-optic Q-switched with Nd∶YVO4 Composite Crystal

LI Shi-xia;LI Xiao-min;LI Gui-qiu   

  • Online:2017-07-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Using a non-critically phase-matched KTiOPO4 crystal, an optical parametric oscillator was successfully achieved by acoustic-optic Q-switched with Nd∶YVO4/Nd∶YVO4/Nd∶YVO4 composite crystal.Under an incident pump power of 8.29 W and modulation frequency of 30 kHz, the maximum average output power at the signal wavelength of 1570 nm is 0.92 W,the shortest pulse duration is 1.04 ns for the signal wave, the maximal peak power of 29.5 kW.The conversion efficiency to the 1064 nm Q-switched pump beam is 54.4;, to the 808 nm diode pump beam is 11.1;.

Key words: Using a non-critically phase-matched KTiOPO4 crystal, an optical parametric oscillator was successfully achieved by acoustic-optic Q-switched with Nd∶YVO4/Nd∶YVO4/Nd∶YVO4 composite crystal.Under an incident pump power of 8.29 W and modulation frequency of 30 kHz, the maximum average output power at the signal wavelength of 1570 nm is 0.92 W,the shortest pulse duration is 1.04 ns for the signal wave, the maximal peak power of 29.5 kW.The conversion efficiency to the 1064 nm Q-switched pump beam is 54.4;, to the 808 nm diode pump beam is 11.1;.

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