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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (7): 1394-1399.

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F-127 as Template for the Synthesis of Micro-Mesoporous SAPO-11 Zeolite and Its Application in Long-chain Alkane Isomerization

WANG Shi-wen;WEI Min;SUN Na;WANG Hai-yan;SHI Yan;WANG Tong   

  • Online:2017-07-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: On the basis of the normal hydrothermal synthesis of SAPO-11,an appropriate amount of F-127 was introduced as the soft template to construct the mesoporous structure.The SAPO-11 molecular sieve with meso-microporous composite structure was successfully synthesized.The effects of F-127 addition on the inner pore structure of molecular sieves were investigated.And the catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD),N2 adsorption-desorption curves,scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and pyridine adsorption infrared spectroscopy (Py-FTIR).The results show that along with the increasing addition of F-127, the mesoporous pores of the molecular sieve increase first and then decreaseand the mesoporous structure is produced in the molecular sieve.The isomerization reaction shows that the catalyst activity is related to the mesoporous capacity of the zeolite The conversion rate of alkane rises with the increase of temperature, and the yield of isomer is decreasing.The isomerization conversion rate of the catalyst decreases with the addition of F-127, and the increase of F-127 content in a certain range could lead to the improvement the yield of isomerization.When the addition amount of F-127 is 10;, the yield of isoparaffin reache 57.62;.

Key words: On the basis of the normal hydrothermal synthesis of SAPO-11,an appropriate amount of F-127 was introduced as the soft template to construct the mesoporous structure.The SAPO-11 molecular sieve with meso-microporous composite structure was successfully synthesized.The effects of F-127 addition on the inner pore structure of molecular sieves were investigated.And the catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD),N2 adsorption-desorption curves,scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and pyridine adsorption infrared spectroscopy (Py-FTIR).The results show that along with the increasing addition of F-127, the mesoporous pores of the molecular sieve increase first and then decreaseand the mesoporous structure is produced in the molecular sieve.The isomerization reaction shows that the catalyst activity is related to the mesoporous capacity of the zeolite The conversion rate of alkane rises with the increase of temperature, and the yield of isomer is decreasing.The isomerization conversion rate of the catalyst decreases with the addition of F-127, and the increase of F-127 content in a certain range could lead to the improvement the yield of isomerization.When the addition amount of F-127 is 10;, the yield of isoparaffin reache 57.62;.

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