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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 1598-1603.

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Effect of Spinning Aid on the Preparation of Aluminum Titanate Fiber by Non-hydrolytic Sol-gel Method

HU Hai-long;JIANG Wei-hui;FENG Guo;LIU Jian-min;ZHANG Quan;MIAO Li-feng;WU Qian   

  • Online:2017-08-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Aluminum titanate fiber was prepared by non-hydrolytic sol-gel (NHSG) method.The phase transformation process of aluminum titanate were studied by DTA-TG, XRD, TEM, SEM, FE-SEM, and the effects of the type and amount of the spinning aid on the phase and morphology of aluminum titanate fiber were discussed.The results show that aluminum titanate crystal phase can form by NHSG method at 750 ℃, and the introduction of solvent DBE and spinning aid epoxy resin does not affect the low temperature synthesis of aluminum titanate.As a spinning aid, epoxy resin is conducive to form the linear colloidal particles in the sol, resulting in the improvement of the sol.Spinning aid amount is critical to the preparation of aluminum titanate fiber.High quality aluminum titanate fiber, which has smooth surface and compact structure, can be achieved when the mass ratio of aluminum titanate to epoxy resin is 1∶1.

Key words: Aluminum titanate fiber was prepared by non-hydrolytic sol-gel (NHSG) method.The phase transformation process of aluminum titanate were studied by DTA-TG, XRD, TEM, SEM, FE-SEM, and the effects of the type and amount of the spinning aid on the phase and morphology of aluminum titanate fiber were discussed.The results show that aluminum titanate crystal phase can form by NHSG method at 750 ℃, and the introduction of solvent DBE and spinning aid epoxy resin does not affect the low temperature synthesis of aluminum titanate.As a spinning aid, epoxy resin is conducive to form the linear colloidal particles in the sol, resulting in the improvement of the sol.Spinning aid amount is critical to the preparation of aluminum titanate fiber.High quality aluminum titanate fiber, which has smooth surface and compact structure, can be achieved when the mass ratio of aluminum titanate to epoxy resin is 1∶1.

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