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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1740-1747.

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Progress on Synthesis and Application of Hydroxyapatite

CHENG Hong-fei;SUN Yi-gao;AN Shuai;QIAO Jun-jie   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Hydroxyapatite is ideal bone repair and substitute materials for its novel properties such as good compatibility , stability , bioactivity , bone conduction and biodegradable . However , it has not been widely used so far due to its low strength , poor toughness , not easy to shape and other mechanical properties .The preparation of excellent hydroxyapatite as well as its compounds has become the key point of the present research .This paper domonstrated the origin , development , preparation , application and development prospect of hydroxyapatite based on its research status .Many different synthetic methods like hydrothermal and biomimetic method as well as their advantages and disadvantages were emphasized .The application development process from dense to porous , single to composite even to multiphase as well as accurate control of microstructure of hydroxyapatite was summarized .Besides , the paper researched the clinical application of bionic bone .

Key words: Hydroxyapatite is ideal bone repair and substitute materials for its novel properties such as good compatibility , stability , bioactivity , bone conduction and biodegradable . However , it has not been widely used so far due to its low strength , poor toughness , not easy to shape and other mechanical properties .The preparation of excellent hydroxyapatite as well as its compounds has become the key point of the present research .This paper domonstrated the origin , development , preparation , application and development prospect of hydroxyapatite based on its research status .Many different synthetic methods like hydrothermal and biomimetic method as well as their advantages and disadvantages were emphasized .The application development process from dense to porous , single to composite even to multiphase as well as accurate control of microstructure of hydroxyapatite was summarized .Besides , the paper researched the clinical application of bionic bone .

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