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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1762-1766.

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Effect of Temperature on Output Characteristics of CIGS Solar Cells

LIU Fang-fang;WANG He;ZHANG Yi;ZHOU Zhi-qiang   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The temperature characteristic is an important feature of the solar cell , in this paper we report on the output characteristics of Cu ( In, Ga) Se2 ( CIGS) thin film solar cell changing with temperature (120-260 K).The study reveals that with the increasing temperature , the open circuit voltage of Voc lowers obviously with the temperature coefficient of -1.08 mV/K, while the short circuit current Isc rises slightly with the temperature coefficient of 0.01401 mA/K.This is mainly because with temperature rising, the band gap decreases and dark current increases , resulting in drop of Voc , more photogenerated carriers are stimulated and series resistance drops , resulting in the increase of Isc .With combined effects of these two aspects , the conversion efficiency decreases .

Key words: The temperature characteristic is an important feature of the solar cell , in this paper we report on the output characteristics of Cu ( In, Ga) Se2 ( CIGS) thin film solar cell changing with temperature (120-260 K).The study reveals that with the increasing temperature , the open circuit voltage of Voc lowers obviously with the temperature coefficient of -1.08 mV/K, while the short circuit current Isc rises slightly with the temperature coefficient of 0.01401 mA/K.This is mainly because with temperature rising, the band gap decreases and dark current increases , resulting in drop of Voc , more photogenerated carriers are stimulated and series resistance drops , resulting in the increase of Isc .With combined effects of these two aspects , the conversion efficiency decreases .

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