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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1838-1841.

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Effect of PVA on the Structure and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanorods

WU Ke-yue;CAI Sheng-wen   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: ZnO nanorods were prepared from zinc nitrate hexahydrate and PVA by hydrothermal method . The characterizations of ZnO nanorods were carried out by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and scan electron microscope (SEM).Absorption of nanorods was measured by UV-Vis spectra.The results show that the ZnO nanostructures are rod-like crystal of hexagonal wurtzite structure .The length of ZnO nanorods increase from 400 nm to 2 μm with increasing the PVA concentrations .The absorption spectra show that the optical band gap red shift with increase PVA concentration .

Key words: ZnO nanorods were prepared from zinc nitrate hexahydrate and PVA by hydrothermal method . The characterizations of ZnO nanorods were carried out by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and scan electron microscope (SEM).Absorption of nanorods was measured by UV-Vis spectra.The results show that the ZnO nanostructures are rod-like crystal of hexagonal wurtzite structure .The length of ZnO nanorods increase from 400 nm to 2 μm with increasing the PVA concentrations .The absorption spectra show that the optical band gap red shift with increase PVA concentration .

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