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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 1879-1884.

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Preparation and Properties of AgNWs/Yb0.3 Co4Sb12 Thermoelectric Nanocomposite

ZHOU Zhen-xing;LU Xiao-fang;CHEN Peng;GU Shi-jia;WANG Ling-jun   

  • Online:2017-10-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: AgNWs and Yb filled skutterudites Yb 0.3 Co4 Sb12 were prepared by polyol reduction of silver nitrate and melting quenching annealing method .The nanocomposite AgNWs/Yb0.3 Co4 Sb12 were obtained by combining ultrasound technology and spark plasma sintering with different AgNWs weight ratio .The microstructure of the samples were studied by XRD and FE-SEM images confirmed that AgNWs were well dispersed in Yb0.3 Co4 Sb12 matrix.The thermoelectric properties of the samples with different AgNWs contents were investigated in detail .The results show that well-dispersed AgNWs in the bulk Yb 0.3 Co4 Sb12 can give rise to a much higher electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity without a noticeable decrease in Seebeck coefficient , which suggests the improvement of composites with AgNWs thermoelectrical was limited.The maximum ZT about 1.02 is observed with AgNWs contents of 0.5wt;.

Key words: AgNWs and Yb filled skutterudites Yb 0.3 Co4 Sb12 were prepared by polyol reduction of silver nitrate and melting quenching annealing method .The nanocomposite AgNWs/Yb0.3 Co4 Sb12 were obtained by combining ultrasound technology and spark plasma sintering with different AgNWs weight ratio .The microstructure of the samples were studied by XRD and FE-SEM images confirmed that AgNWs were well dispersed in Yb0.3 Co4 Sb12 matrix.The thermoelectric properties of the samples with different AgNWs contents were investigated in detail .The results show that well-dispersed AgNWs in the bulk Yb 0.3 Co4 Sb12 can give rise to a much higher electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity without a noticeable decrease in Seebeck coefficient , which suggests the improvement of composites with AgNWs thermoelectrical was limited.The maximum ZT about 1.02 is observed with AgNWs contents of 0.5wt;.

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