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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 1951-1954.

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Effect of CaO and CaF2 on Property of the Lead-free Boron Glaze Fired at Low Temperature

WU Yu-min;DU Zhen-fei;HUANG Ding-guo;LI Guan-sheng   

  • Online:2017-10-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: By reasonably allocating the amount of CaF 2 and CaO , the lead-free transparent glaze with better glossiness and boron opalescent glaze with better whiteness were prepared at 1120℃.The effect of CaO and CaF 2 content on transparency ( opacity ) , glossiness and fluidity of lead-free boron glaze was discussed by single factor method .The results show that CaO can increase the transparency and fluidity of the glaze because the phase separation is isuppress ,but the excess CaO addition reduce the glossiness of the glaze.CaF2 has stronger fluxing effect than CaO , which can make the quartz melt fully .But at the same time, because of the decrease of glaze viscosity , calcium feldspar and wollastonite crystals will be precipitated and the transparency of the glaze will be reduced .

Key words: By reasonably allocating the amount of CaF 2 and CaO , the lead-free transparent glaze with better glossiness and boron opalescent glaze with better whiteness were prepared at 1120℃.The effect of CaO and CaF 2 content on transparency ( opacity ) , glossiness and fluidity of lead-free boron glaze was discussed by single factor method .The results show that CaO can increase the transparency and fluidity of the glaze because the phase separation is isuppress ,but the excess CaO addition reduce the glossiness of the glaze.CaF2 has stronger fluxing effect than CaO , which can make the quartz melt fully .But at the same time, because of the decrease of glaze viscosity , calcium feldspar and wollastonite crystals will be precipitated and the transparency of the glaze will be reduced .

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