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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 2050-2053.

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Effect of Deposition Temperature on SiO2 One-dimensional Nanomaterial Prepared by Thermal Evaporation Method

LYU Hang;LIU Qiu-ying;YANG Xi-bao;ZHAO Jing-long;WANG Qiu-shi;LU Xiao-dong;YAO Zhen;LYU Jun-chao   

  • Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Large area SiO2 nanowires and SiO 2 nanorods were successfully synthesized on the surface of N-type silicon wafer by the thermal evaporation method .The as-synthesized samples were systematically researched by X-ray powder diffraction ( XRD ) , scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) , electron energy-dispersive(EDX), Raman spectroscopy (RS) and photoluminescence (PL).The results indicate that the structures and morphologies of the product are closely related to the growth parameters by this method .As the deposition temperature decreases , the length of the nanowires becomes shorter , and finally showing a rod-like structure .Furthermore , the unique optical properties of SiO 2 nanostructures were also studied . This study is important for improving the performance of optoelectronic semiconductor devices .

Key words: Large area SiO2 nanowires and SiO 2 nanorods were successfully synthesized on the surface of N-type silicon wafer by the thermal evaporation method .The as-synthesized samples were systematically researched by X-ray powder diffraction ( XRD ) , scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) , electron energy-dispersive(EDX), Raman spectroscopy (RS) and photoluminescence (PL).The results indicate that the structures and morphologies of the product are closely related to the growth parameters by this method .As the deposition temperature decreases , the length of the nanowires becomes shorter , and finally showing a rod-like structure .Furthermore , the unique optical properties of SiO 2 nanostructures were also studied . This study is important for improving the performance of optoelectronic semiconductor devices .

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