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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 2058-2061.

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Effect of Pr-doping Content on the Properties of Pr-ZrSiO4 Yellow Pigment

DONG Wei-xia;BAO Qi-fu;GU Xing-yong;QIU Bo-xin;YI Yu-ru   

  • Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Zirconium praseodymium yellow ceramic pigment precursor was solvothermal prepared by using zirconium silicate and tetraethyl orthosilicate as the main raw material and praseodymium oxide as the color agent, and then was obtained by calcining at 1050 ℃.Effects of the Pr-doping contents on the properties of the samples were studied .The microstructure of the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffract pattern .The properties of the samples were analyzed by the colorimetric analysis instrument , particle-size analyzer and ultraviolet visible light spectrum analyzer .The results show that compared with other samples , the sample prepared with 0 .15 g Pr-doping has the higher crystallinity , smaller and more uniform particle size , resulting in the stronger absorption of blue and purple light at 400-480 nm and thus exhibits a pure yellow hue .

Key words: Zirconium praseodymium yellow ceramic pigment precursor was solvothermal prepared by using zirconium silicate and tetraethyl orthosilicate as the main raw material and praseodymium oxide as the color agent, and then was obtained by calcining at 1050 ℃.Effects of the Pr-doping contents on the properties of the samples were studied .The microstructure of the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscope and X-ray diffract pattern .The properties of the samples were analyzed by the colorimetric analysis instrument , particle-size analyzer and ultraviolet visible light spectrum analyzer .The results show that compared with other samples , the sample prepared with 0 .15 g Pr-doping has the higher crystallinity , smaller and more uniform particle size , resulting in the stronger absorption of blue and purple light at 400-480 nm and thus exhibits a pure yellow hue .

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