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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (11): 2238-2243.

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Research Progress of Vanadium Phosphate Sodium for Cathode Material of Na-ion Batteries

LI Ling-fang;YANG Jia-xing;WU Chao   

  • Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: NASICON type vanadium phosphate sodium has 3D frame structure,relative high charge/discharge voltage platform,high storage capacity and good cycle stability.Thus it is a prospective cathode material for Na-ion batteries.By means of plentiful literature sum-up,the crystal structure,electrochemical performance,synthetic and modified methods were introduced.In the current study,solid state method and sol-gel method are the most popular synthetic ways,and besides,spray drying process,hydrothermal method,electrostatic spinning process are also available.The mainly four modified methods are carbon-coating by different carbon source,ion doping,recombination with high conductive substances and nanocrystallization.After modification,conductive and electrochemcial performance of vanadium phosphate sodium were improved impressively,thus the utility progress can be promoted.effectively.

Key words: NASICON type vanadium phosphate sodium has 3D frame structure,relative high charge/discharge voltage platform,high storage capacity and good cycle stability.Thus it is a prospective cathode material for Na-ion batteries.By means of plentiful literature sum-up,the crystal structure,electrochemical performance,synthetic and modified methods were introduced.In the current study,solid state method and sol-gel method are the most popular synthetic ways,and besides,spray drying process,hydrothermal method,electrostatic spinning process are also available.The mainly four modified methods are carbon-coating by different carbon source,ion doping,recombination with high conductive substances and nanocrystallization.After modification,conductive and electrochemcial performance of vanadium phosphate sodium were improved impressively,thus the utility progress can be promoted.effectively.

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