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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (11): 2266-2270.

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Purification of High-grade Diatomite from Linjiang by Physical and Chemical Method

JIA Ze-hui;HU Ying-yuan;ZHANG Xiao-chao;WANG Ya-wen;WANG Yun-fang;FAN Cai-mei;LI Shuang-zhi   

  • Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The high-grade Linjiang diatomite was treated via a physical chemistry strategy combining by ultrasound,acid-leaching and calcination procedures.The effects of sulfuric acid concentration,acid-leaching mode and calcination temperature on pristine diatomite were discussed based on its morphology,specific surface area,absorptive capacity and purity analysis.Moreover,the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to analysis the spectrums of raw and purified diatomite.In the end,we concluded the optimal purity conditions:After using 28; H2SO4 (water bath) and 500 ℃ calcination to treat the pristine diatomite,the specific surface area,the content of SiO2 and adsorbing capacity of purified diatomite to Rhodamine B are reach 27.79 m2 · g-1,93.42; and-1.94 mg · g-1,respectively;After using 28; H2SO4 (hydrothermal) and 500 ℃ calcination,the specific surface area,the content of SiO2 and adsorbing capacity to Rhodamine B are reach 25.10 m2 · g-1 93.52; and 1 84 mg · g-1 respectively.

Key words: The high-grade Linjiang diatomite was treated via a physical chemistry strategy combining by ultrasound,acid-leaching and calcination procedures.The effects of sulfuric acid concentration,acid-leaching mode and calcination temperature on pristine diatomite were discussed based on its morphology,specific surface area,absorptive capacity and purity analysis.Moreover,the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to analysis the spectrums of raw and purified diatomite.In the end,we concluded the optimal purity conditions:After using 28; H2SO4 (water bath) and 500 ℃ calcination to treat the pristine diatomite,the specific surface area,the content of SiO2 and adsorbing capacity of purified diatomite to Rhodamine B are reach 27.79 m2 · g-1,93.42; and-1.94 mg · g-1,respectively;After using 28; H2SO4 (hydrothermal) and 500 ℃ calcination,the specific surface area,the content of SiO2 and adsorbing capacity to Rhodamine B are reach 25.10 m2 · g-1 93.52; and 1 84 mg · g-1 respectively.

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