JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (2): 391-396.

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Research Progress of BAs Crystal Growth

LIU Jingming, ZHAO Youwen   

  1. Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2020-12-31 Published:2021-03-24

Abstract: Cubic boron arsenide (BAs) belongs to Ⅲ-V compound semiconductor with indirect band gap and zin-blende FCC structure. First-principles calculations based on four-phonon scattering indicate that zinc-blende BAs has an unusually high room-temperature thermal conductivity which is second only to that of diamond. BAs single crystal demonstrates broad application prospects in electronics thermal management due to the unusually high thermal conductivity, and it becomes one of hotpots in the field of compound semiconductor materials. Great progress has been made in the growth of cubic BAs single crystal for the past few years. Ultrahigh thermal conductivity of 1 300 W·m-1·K-1 at room temperature is experimentally observed in high-quality BAs single crystal with millimeter-sized synthesized by chemical vapor transport (CVT) growth method. Undoped BAs is p-type conducting due to the existence of the intrinsic acceptor defects. The application prospects, crystal structure, material properties and crystal growth method of cubic BAs are introduced. The research progress in crystal growth is reviewed, the technical challenges of crystal growth is described, and development prospects are also analyzed.

Key words: BAs, conductivity, compound semiconductor, crystal growth, chemical vapor transport

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