JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (5): 783-802.
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LUO Haosu, JIAO Jie, CHEN Rui, ZHU Rongfeng, ZHANG Zhang, XU Jialin, ZHAO Jing, WANG Xi'an, LIN Di, CHEN Jianwei, DI Wenning, LU Li, ZHU Lili
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LUO Haosu, JIAO Jie, CHEN Rui, ZHU Rongfeng, ZHANG Zhang, XU Jialin, ZHAO Jing, WANG Xi'an, LIN Di, CHEN Jianwei, DI Wenning, LU Li, ZHU Lili. Multifunctional Properties and Device Applications of the Relaxor Ferroelectric Single Crystals[J]. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2021, 50(5): 783-802.
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