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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2023, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (10): 1850-1857.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Synthesis, Structure, HSA Binding and Cytotoxic Activity of Complex {[Cu(pcba)2]2·(MeOH)2}

ZENG Zhenfang, CAI Jiehui, HUANG Qiuping, PANG Huayu, YANG Daqin, HUANG Qiuchan   

  1. School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Guangxi Minzu Normal University, Chongzuo 532200, China
  • Received:2023-04-11 Online:2023-10-15 Published:2023-10-18

Abstract: In this paper, a copper complex {[Cu(pcba)2]2·(MeOH)2} (pcba=p-chlorbenzoic acid, MeOH=methanol) was synthesized. The structure of the complex was characterized using elemental analysis, IR and X-ray single crystal diffraction. The complex belongs to triclinic, P1 space group, with a=6.591 80(10) Å, b=10.769 0(2) Å, c=12.472 2(2) Å, α=90.198 0(10)°, β=104.076(2)°, γ=99.673(2)°, Z=1, Dc=1.593 mg/m3, F(000)=408. The final R1=0.040 0, wR2=0.114 5. The complex and its interaction with human serum albumin (HSA) were studied by UV-Vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. The higher the concentration of complex, the lower the UV-Vis and fluorescence intensity. The quenching constant (Ksv) of the complex to HSA is 5.78×103 L·mol-1, the quenching rate constant (Kq) is 5.78×1011 L·mol-1·s-1, the binding constant (Ka) is 1.38×102 L·mol-1, the number of binding bits (n) is 0.592. And the anti-proliferation abilities of the complex on A549, Hela, HepG2, and LO2 were studied. It was found that the proliferation inhibition effect of the complex is similar to that of cisplatin, and the toxicity to LO2 is less than that of cisplatin.

Key words: copper(II), complex, HSA binding, cytotoxic activity, proliferation inhibition

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