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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (5): 760-765.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Growth and Scintillation Properties of Cerium-Doped Cs2BaBr4 Crystal

YIN Jie1,2, ZHANG Xiaoqiang2, CHEN Can2, PAN Jianguo2   

  1. 1. Hunan Chemical Vocational Technical College, Zhuzhou 412000, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Photoelectric Detection Materials and Devices of Zhejiang Province, School of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China
  • Received:2023-11-18 Online:2024-05-15 Published:2024-05-21

Abstract: Using BaBr2, CsBr, and CeBr3 with high-purity as raw materials, the Cs2BaBr4∶1%Ce3+ polycrystalline powders were synthesized by solid-state reaction method. The crystal of Cs2BaBr4∶1%Ce3+ was grown by Bridgman method. The wafer of Cs2BaBr4∶1%Ce3+ with different thickness were obtained by incising, grinding and polishing process. The phase of the crystal was analyzed, and XRD patterns show that the crystal is a uniformly molten substance with no phase transition. The scintillation performance of the crystal was studied, which the optical transmittance, photo luminescence, X-ray induced luminescence, multi-channel gamma energy spectrum and decay time were measured. Compared with the crystal of LaBr3, the hygroscopicity of the crystal was analyzed. The results show that the optical transmittance of crystal is close to 80%, and under the excitation of ultraviolet light and X-rays in a certain band, the crystal exhibits emission peaks at wavelengths around 349 and 372 nm. The energy resolution under the excitation of gamma rays of 137Cs is estimated to be 11%. The decay time under the excitation of UV light is fitted to be 21.9 ns. The hygroscopicity of the crystal is much better than that of LaBr3 crystal.

Key words: Cs2BaBr4∶1% Ce3+ crystal, Bridgman method, photo luminescence, X-ray induced luminescence, decay time, hygroscopicit

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