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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (7): 1112-1120.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Investigation of Localized Cluster Structure and Spectral Properties of Er-Doped PbF2 Crystals

LI Lin1,2, ZHANG Peixiong1,2, TAN Juncheng1,2, ZHU Siqi1,2, YIN Hao1,2, LI Zhen1,2, CHEN Zhenqiang1,2   

  1. 1. College of Physics & Optoelectronic Engineering, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China;
    2. Guangdong Provincial Engineering Research Center of Crystal and Laser Technology, Guangzhou 510632, China
  • Received:2024-03-04 Online:2024-07-15 Published:2024-07-23

Abstract: In this paper, a series of Er∶PbF2 crystals were successfully grown by Bridgman method. The first-principles calculation based on the density functional theory was applied to investigate the clustering effect of Er3+ in PbF2 crystals in details. The relationship between the up-conversion (UC) luminescence properties (luminescence intensity, color variation) and the cluster structure in Er∶PbF2 crystals was obtained for the first time. It is found that as Er3+ concentration increases, the clusters evolve from monomers to higher-order configurations, with the distance between Er3+ ions decreasing and then increasing, resulting in the intensity of the red emission in the UC fluorescence first increasing and then decreasing, and the red-green luminescence ratio also decreases after the Er3+ concentration is higher than 6.5% (mole fraction), indicating that the luminescence color can be adjusted from red to yellow-green. This study proves that the structural evolution of rare-earth ion clusters could regulate the spectroscopic properties of Er∶PbF2, which provides a novel method for the design of multi-color luminescent materials.

Key words: Er∶PbF2 crystal, up-conversion luminescence, density functional theory, erbium cluster, spectral property

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