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人工晶体学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 1170-1179.

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顾洋, 王朕, 吴宏坤, 肖杰, 曾晓苑   

  1. 昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学院,锂离子电池及材料制备技术国家地方联合工程实验室,云南省先进电池材料重点实验室,昆明 650093
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-15 出版日期:2021-06-15 发布日期:2021-07-08
  • 通信作者: 曾晓苑,博士,副教授。E-mail:zengxiaoyuan721@126.com
  • 作者简介:顾洋(1995—),男,辽宁省人,硕士研究生。E-mail:18341317629@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress of Key Materials for Lithium Carbon Dioxide Batteries

GU Yang, WANG Zhen, WU Hongkun, XIAO Jie, ZENG Xiaoyuan   

  1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Battery Materials of Yunnan Province, National and Local Joint Engineering Laboratory for Lithiumion Batteries and Materials Preparation Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China
  • Received:2021-03-15 Online:2021-06-15 Published:2021-07-08

摘要: 可充式锂-二氧化碳电池为捕获CO2和能量存储提供了一种新方法。尽管该技术从发展之初至今取得了很大进步,但它们在实际应用中还面临着许多限制和挑战。其中,在充放电机理方面的研究,虽然取得了显著的成就,但仍存在一些争议。目前,大部分的锂-二氧化碳电池研究在提高电池性能方面,主要针对的是阴极催化剂的制备,例如,碳基催化剂、贵金属基催化剂、过渡金属基催化剂、可溶性催化剂等。上述催化剂虽显著提高了电池性能,但少有同时满足价格低廉、制备方法简单和催化性能优异等优点的催化剂,这也是限制锂-二氧化碳电池走向实际应用的因素之一。由于锂-二氧化碳电池属于半开放式系统,液态电解液存在泄露、蒸发和锂枝晶等问题,导致电池的安全性和性能的降低。采用准固态电解质可有效解决上述问题,并为柔性可穿戴锂-二氧化碳电池的实现提供了可能。本文归纳了锂-二氧化碳电池关键材料的研究进展,分别对锂-二氧化碳电池的充放电机理、阴极催化剂、准固态电解质和阳极锂保护四部分进行了介绍,对其发展的现状和面临的挑战以及未来发展的趋势作出了归纳和总结。为开发高效可逆的锂-二氧化碳电池提供参考。

关键词: 锂-二氧化碳电池, 阴极催化剂, 固态电解质, 阳极锂保护, 电池性能

Abstract: Rechargeable lithium-carbon dioxide batteries provide a new method for CO2 capture and energy storage. Although the technology has made great progress from the beginning of its development to today, they still face many limitations and challenges in practical applications. Among them, although the research on the charging and discharging mechanism has made remarkable achievements, there are still some controversies. At present, most of the researches on lithium-carbon dioxide batteries focus on the preparation of cathode catalysts, such as carbon-based catalysts, noble metal-based catalysts, transition metal-based catalysts, and soluble catalysts, in terms of improving battery performance. Although the above-mentioned catalysts have significantly improved battery performance, there are few catalysts that can simultaneously meet the requirements of low price, simple preparation method and excellent catalytic performance. This is also one of the factors restricting the practical application of lithium-carbon dioxide batteries. Since the lithium-carbon dioxide battery is a semi-open system, the liquid electrolyte has problems such as leakage, evaporation, and lithium dendrites, which leads to a decrease in battery safety and performance. The use of quasi-solid electrolytes can effectively solve the above-mentioned problems and provide the possibility for the realization of flexible wearable lithium-carbon dioxide batteries. This article summarizes the research progress of key materials for lithium-carbon dioxide batteries, and introduces the charging and discharging mechanism of lithium-carbon dioxide batteries, cathode catalysts, solid electrolytes, and anode lithium protection. The current development status, challenges and development trend has been summarized. It provides a reference for the devel opment of high-efficiency and reversible lithium-carbon dioxide batteries.

Key words: lithium carbon dioxide battery, cathode catalyst, solid electrolyte, anode lithium protection, battery performance
