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人工晶体学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 508-515.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨铭, 徐鹏宇, 王斌, 郑凯平, 涂兵田, 王皓   

  1. 武汉理工大学材料复合新技术国家重点实验室,武汉 430070
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-07 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-04-11
  • 通信作者: 王皓,博士,教授。E-mail:shswangh@whut.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:杨铭(1997—),女,湖北省人,硕士研究生。E-mail:yangming_2022@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Influence of Stoichiometric Ratio on the Microwave Dielectric Properties of MgO·nGa2O3 Spinel Ceramics

YANG Ming, XU Pengyu, WANG Bin, ZHENG Kaiping, TU Bingtian, WANG Hao   

  1. State Key Lab of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
  • Received:2022-01-07 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-04-11

摘要: 尖晶石型微波介质陶瓷因高品质因数和可调的谐振频率温度系数在无线通信等领域应用广泛。本文通过无压烧结制备了MgO·nGa2O3(n=0.975、1.00、1.08和1.17)尖晶石陶瓷,采用XRD Rietveld全谱拟合研究了化学计量比对晶体结构的影响,并结合键价理论模型探究了微波介电性能与晶体结构的关系。结果表明:MgO·nGa2O3陶瓷相对介电常数(εr)的变化与晶格常数和离子极化率有关;品质因数(Q×f)受键强和阳离子有序度的共同影响,随n值增大从165 590 GHz下降至109 413 GHz;而谐振频率温度系数(τf)与晶体热膨胀系数相关。制备的MgO·0.975Ga2O3陶瓷具有优异的微波介电性能:εr=9.69、Q×f=165 590 GHz(频率14 GHz下)和τf=-7.12×10-6/℃。

关键词: 镓酸镁尖晶石, 化学计量比, 晶体结构, 微波介质陶瓷, 介电常数, 品质因数

Abstract: Spinel-type microwave dielectric ceramics are widely applied in wireless communication due to its high quality factor and adjustable resonant frequency temperature coefficient. In this paper, MgO·nGa2O3 (n=0.975, 1.00, 1.08 and 1.17) spinel ceramics were prepared by pressureless sintering. The influence of stoichiometric ratio on the crystalline structure was studied by the XRD Rietveld whole pattern fitting method. The relationship between microwave dielectric properties and crystalline structure was explored through the bond valence theory model. The variation of relative dielectric constant (εr) of MgO·nGa2O3 ceramics is related to the lattice constant and ion polarizability. The quality factor (Q×f) decreases from 165 590 GHz to 109 413 GHz as n increases, which is affected by bond strength and the degree of cation order. The resonant frequency temperature coefficient (τf) is related to the crystal thermal expansion coefficient. The obtained MgO·0.975Ga2O3 ceramics possess excellent microwave dielectric properties: εr=9.69, Q×f=165 590 GHz (at 14 GHz) and τf=-7.12×10-6/℃.

Key words: MgO·nGa2O3, stoichiometric ratio, crystalline structure, microwave dielectric ceramics, dielectric constant, quality factor
