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人工晶体学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (11): 1983-1993.

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许琳琳1,2, 于海英1,2, 张永锋1,2   

  1. 1.内蒙古工业大学化工学院,呼和浩特 010051;
    2.内蒙古自治区煤基固废高效循环利用重点实验室,呼和浩特 010051
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-22 出版日期:2022-11-15 发布日期:2022-12-07
  • 通信作者: 于海英,博士,副教授。E-mail:yhy271@outlook.com
  • 作者简介:许琳琳(1996—),男,河北省人,硕士研究生。E-mail:18967238231@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Research Progress of Porous Silicon Preparation and Its Application in Lithium Ion Batteries

XU Linlin1,2, YU Haiying1,2, ZHANG Yongfeng1,2   

  1. 1. College of Chemical Engineering, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010051, China;
    2. Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Efficient Recycle Utilization for Coal-Based Waste, Hohhot 010051, China
  • Received:2022-06-22 Online:2022-11-15 Published:2022-12-07

摘要: 多孔硅具有比表面积大、发光性能良好等特点,目前对于多孔硅的研究已经涉及到生物与化学传感器、药物递送、光催化、能源等领域。多孔硅中的孔隙可有效缓解硅在锂化时的体积膨胀,缩短锂离子从电解液向硅本体扩散的距离,促进高电流密度下的充放电过程。因此,多孔硅在储能领域得到了广泛研究与发展。但是一些挑战仍然存在,如制备成本、刻蚀机理、多孔结构的调控、多孔硅的电化学性能等还不能满足商业化应用的要求。本文对目前国内外多孔硅制备方法的研究进行了综述,并详细介绍了多孔硅在锂离子电池领域的应用。最后,对多孔硅材料在储能领域的发展进行了展望。

关键词: 锂电池, 负极材料, 多孔结构, 金属辅助化学腐蚀法, 碳催化

Abstract: Porous silicon has the characteristics of large specific surface area and good luminescent properties. At present, the research on porous silicon has been involved in the fields of biological and chemical sensors, drug delivery, photocatalysis, energy and so on. The pore of porous silicon can effectively reduce the volume expansion in the process of silicon lithiation, shorten the distance of lithium ion diffusion from electrolyte to silicon, and promote the charge-discharge process at high current density. Therefore, porous silicon has been widely studied and developed in the field of energy storage. However, some challenges still exist, such as preparation cost, etching mechanism, regulation of porous structure, and electrochemical performance of porous silicon, which cannot meet the requirements of commercial application. The current research on the preparation methods of porous silicon at home and abroad is reviewed in this paper, and the application of porous silicon in lithium ion battery is introduced in detail. Finally, the development of porous silicon materials in energy storage field is prospected.

Key words: lithium battery, anode material, porous structure, metal-assisted chemical etching, carbon catalysis
