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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 124-128.

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Improvement of Efficiency of Infrafed Detector by Surface Plasmon

LIU Chun-mei;WU Yuan-qing;ZHANG Jin-jing;ZHANG Yu-feng;LU Xiao-dong;ZHOU Tao   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Surface grating was used, as the common method, to improve the performance of the uncooled infrared sensor, which has the problem of high reflectivity. To improve the absorption efficiency of the uncooled infrared sensor, its structure of inner surface-plasmon-resonance is proposed in this paper. By COMSOL, the variation of the infrared absorption efficient with the structure parameters is simulated and analyzed. Absorption efficient of 99. 9; within a specified spectral band and 37. 4; averaged within the whole wavelength range is reached by parameter optimization.

Key words: Surface grating was used, as the common method, to improve the performance of the uncooled infrared sensor, which has the problem of high reflectivity. To improve the absorption efficiency of the uncooled infrared sensor, its structure of inner surface-plasmon-resonance is proposed in this paper. By COMSOL, the variation of the infrared absorption efficient with the structure parameters is simulated and analyzed. Absorption efficient of 99. 9; within a specified spectral band and 37. 4; averaged within the whole wavelength range is reached by parameter optimization.

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