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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 134-138.

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Preparation and Oil Absorption Properties of MoS2-modified PU Sponge

CHANG Meng-jie;LIU Jun   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: MoS2 nanosheets were prepared from MoS2 powders through ultrasonic liquid exfoliation method. Hydrophobic polyurethane ( PU ) sponges for oil absorption were fabricated by subsequent modification with MoS2 nanosheets and polydimethylsiloxane ( PDMS ) . The contact angle and oil absorbent properties of the obtained sponges were measured. The results indicate that PU-MoS2 sponge shows good hydrophobicity and oil absorption capacity. PU-MoS2 sponge has absorbent capacities of 12-86 times of their own weight for different organic solvent. The PU-MoS2 sponge obtained by coating with smaller size MoS2 nanosheets has relatively higher absorption capacity. Moreover, the absorption capacity of the PU-MoS2 sponge did not deteriorate after it was reused for 20 times, so the PU-MoS2 sponge has excellent recyclability for future application.

Key words: MoS2 nanosheets were prepared from MoS2 powders through ultrasonic liquid exfoliation method. Hydrophobic polyurethane ( PU ) sponges for oil absorption were fabricated by subsequent modification with MoS2 nanosheets and polydimethylsiloxane ( PDMS ) . The contact angle and oil absorbent properties of the obtained sponges were measured. The results indicate that PU-MoS2 sponge shows good hydrophobicity and oil absorption capacity. PU-MoS2 sponge has absorbent capacities of 12-86 times of their own weight for different organic solvent. The PU-MoS2 sponge obtained by coating with smaller size MoS2 nanosheets has relatively higher absorption capacity. Moreover, the absorption capacity of the PU-MoS2 sponge did not deteriorate after it was reused for 20 times, so the PU-MoS2 sponge has excellent recyclability for future application.

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