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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 50-54.

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Preparation and Lithium Storage Properties of CoO/NiO/CoNi Composites

LIU Huan;WANG Xin-lu;WANG Jin-xian;YU Wen-sheng;YANG Ying;ZHANG Hong-bo;DONG Xiang-ting   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Al76 Ni13. 4 Co14. 6 decagonal quasicrystals was used as a precursor alloy and transformed into the unique CoO/NiO/CoNi three dimension structure by a fancy one-step dealloying method. X-ray diffraction ( XRD) and scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) were used to examine the structure of the products. Electrochemical performance of as prepared CoO/NiO/CoNi was evaluated by galvanostatic cycling, the results show that the initial charge/discharge capacity is 417/617 mAh · g-1 at current density 200 mA·g-1 and the corresponding coulombic efficiency is about 67. 6;. A high capacity of 585 mAh·g-1 is obtained with the high capacity retention up to 500 cycles in the range 0. 01-3. 0 V, which indicates that the as prepared CoO/NiO/CoNi endowing good cycling performance.

Key words: Al76 Ni13. 4 Co14. 6 decagonal quasicrystals was used as a precursor alloy and transformed into the unique CoO/NiO/CoNi three dimension structure by a fancy one-step dealloying method. X-ray diffraction ( XRD) and scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) were used to examine the structure of the products. Electrochemical performance of as prepared CoO/NiO/CoNi was evaluated by galvanostatic cycling, the results show that the initial charge/discharge capacity is 417/617 mAh · g-1 at current density 200 mA·g-1 and the corresponding coulombic efficiency is about 67. 6;. A high capacity of 585 mAh·g-1 is obtained with the high capacity retention up to 500 cycles in the range 0. 01-3. 0 V, which indicates that the as prepared CoO/NiO/CoNi endowing good cycling performance.

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