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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 1941-1945.

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Influence of ZnO Nanostructured Anti-reflective Coating Optimization on the Properties of Solar Cells

BAI An-qi;GUO Li-da;TANG Yang   

  • Online:2017-10-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: ZnO nanostructured arrays were deposited on Cu ( In, Ga ) Se2 thin film solar cells by electrodeposition as anti-reflective layer .The characteristics including morphology , optical quality and reflectance were optimized by controlling the deposition potentials .The I-V results of the solar cells with electrodes show that the anti-reflective layer efficiently suppress the surface reflections and advance light absorptions utilizing the moth-eye effect formed by the subwavelength size of ZnO nanostructures , which realize the short-circuit current increased by 6 .2;, and the efficiency enhanced by 9 .9;.

Key words: ZnO nanostructured arrays were deposited on Cu ( In, Ga ) Se2 thin film solar cells by electrodeposition as anti-reflective layer .The characteristics including morphology , optical quality and reflectance were optimized by controlling the deposition potentials .The I-V results of the solar cells with electrodes show that the anti-reflective layer efficiently suppress the surface reflections and advance light absorptions utilizing the moth-eye effect formed by the subwavelength size of ZnO nanostructures , which realize the short-circuit current increased by 6 .2;, and the efficiency enhanced by 9 .9;.

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