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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (11): 2203-2206.

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Study on the Preparation Techniques of Sr5 (PO4)2SiO4 Luminescence Material Doped with Rare Earth

LI Rui;LUO Feng-zhen;LUO Huan;LIU Yu-fei;CHEN Jin-ru;WEN Hao-xiang   

  • Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Sr5 (PO4)2SiO4 luminescence material doped with rare earth was prepared by solid-state reaction method.The luminescence property of sample was investigated.Effects of the presintering temperature,sintering temperature and sintering time on the luminescence properties were explored.Sr4.975 (PO4) 2SiO4∶ 0.025Eu2+ can be well activated under UVLED about 400 nm.The phenomenon of double emission peak in the emission spectra were influenced by the matrix lattice structure.The results indicate that the best luminescence property can be obtained when presintering temperature is 850 ℃,sintering temperature is 1400 ℃ and sintering time is 600 min.

Key words: Sr5 (PO4)2SiO4 luminescence material doped with rare earth was prepared by solid-state reaction method.The luminescence property of sample was investigated.Effects of the presintering temperature,sintering temperature and sintering time on the luminescence properties were explored.Sr4.975 (PO4) 2SiO4∶ 0.025Eu2+ can be well activated under UVLED about 400 nm.The phenomenon of double emission peak in the emission spectra were influenced by the matrix lattice structure.The results indicate that the best luminescence property can be obtained when presintering temperature is 850 ℃,sintering temperature is 1400 ℃ and sintering time is 600 min.

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