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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 251-260.

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Research Progress on Preparation of Carbon Nanomaterials by Plasma Discharge in Liquid Medium


  • Online:2017-02-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Carbon nanomaterials,such as carbon nanotubes,carbon onions and graphene,have exhibit potential applications in the field of energy and environment.Based on recent domestic and foreign researches in preparing carbon nanomaterials by plasma discharge in liquid media such as liquid nitrogen,deionized water,salt solutions or organic solvents,the advantages and disadvantages of different discharge medium were compared,the reaction mechanism were discussed.The improvements and insufficient in the area of the preparation of carbon nanomaterials by plasma discharge in liquid method,which is meaningful for profound understanding of the concepts and principles of liquid plasma discharge process,improving the experimental and theoretical research methods,expanding the range of applications and realize industrial applications as soon as possible with proposals.

Key words: Carbon nanomaterials,such as carbon nanotubes,carbon onions and graphene,have exhibit potential applications in the field of energy and environment.Based on recent domestic and foreign researches in preparing carbon nanomaterials by plasma discharge in liquid media such as liquid nitrogen,deionized water,salt solutions or organic solvents,the advantages and disadvantages of different discharge medium were compared,the reaction mechanism were discussed.The improvements and insufficient in the area of the preparation of carbon nanomaterials by plasma discharge in liquid method,which is meaningful for profound understanding of the concepts and principles of liquid plasma discharge process,improving the experimental and theoretical research methods,expanding the range of applications and realize industrial applications as soon as possible with proposals.

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