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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 273-277.

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Preparation and Phase Transformation during Calcination of Eu∶ Lu2SiOs Powders by Sol-gel Method

YANG Yi;YANG Lei;CHEN Yan-lin;YAN Ming   

  • Online:2017-02-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Lu2SiO5 (LSO) dried gel precursors were prepared by sol-gel method,which was subjected to thermal analysis.The TG curves were stable after 400 ℃.The exothermic peaks of the DSC curve at 402.8 ℃ and 1049.9 ℃,respectively correspond to the initial crystallization temperature of LSO powder and the phase transition temperature.The dried gel was calcined at 900 ℃,1000 ℃,1100 ℃ and 1200 ℃ for 2 h.The XRD shown that after calcination at 900 ℃ for 2 h,the product was not completely crystallized and amorphous phase also existed,but the characteristic diffraction peak of A-LSO phase had appeared.After calcination at 1000 ℃ for 2 h,the powders completely crystallized as A-LSO phase.After calcination at 1100 ℃ for 2 h,the A-LSO phase transformed to B-LSO phase,and the crystal transformation temperature was about 1050 ℃,which corresponded to the exothermic peak at 1049.9 ℃ in DSC curve.There were significant differences in the morphology of A-LSO and B-LSO.The particle size were both in 400-500 nm.The emission peaks located at 595 nm,617 nm,707 nm correspond to the 5D0→TF1,SD0→7F2,5D0→7F4 transition of Eu3+ respectively.The luminescence intensity was increased first and then decreased with the increase of Eu3+ doping concentration.The optimum doping concentration is 5; mol.

Key words: Lu2SiO5 (LSO) dried gel precursors were prepared by sol-gel method,which was subjected to thermal analysis.The TG curves were stable after 400 ℃.The exothermic peaks of the DSC curve at 402.8 ℃ and 1049.9 ℃,respectively correspond to the initial crystallization temperature of LSO powder and the phase transition temperature.The dried gel was calcined at 900 ℃,1000 ℃,1100 ℃ and 1200 ℃ for 2 h.The XRD shown that after calcination at 900 ℃ for 2 h,the product was not completely crystallized and amorphous phase also existed,but the characteristic diffraction peak of A-LSO phase had appeared.After calcination at 1000 ℃ for 2 h,the powders completely crystallized as A-LSO phase.After calcination at 1100 ℃ for 2 h,the A-LSO phase transformed to B-LSO phase,and the crystal transformation temperature was about 1050 ℃,which corresponded to the exothermic peak at 1049.9 ℃ in DSC curve.There were significant differences in the morphology of A-LSO and B-LSO.The particle size were both in 400-500 nm.The emission peaks located at 595 nm,617 nm,707 nm correspond to the 5D0→TF1,SD0→7F2,5D0→7F4 transition of Eu3+ respectively.The luminescence intensity was increased first and then decreased with the increase of Eu3+ doping concentration.The optimum doping concentration is 5; mol.

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