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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 316-322.

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Preparation and Photocatalytic Performance of BiPO4 Using Different Phosphorus Source

LI Xiu-ping;ZHAO Rong-xiang;AI Dong   

  • Online:2017-02-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The three BiPO4 were prepared by ultrasonic technology.The rod BiPO4 were prepared with sodium hydrogen phosphate,the spindle BiPO4 were prepared with ionic liquid of imidazole-phosphate and the grain and rod BiPO4 synthesized by ionic liquid of triethylene tetramine-phosphate,respectively.The XRD indicate that peak of BiPO4 prepared in ionic liquid of triethylene tetramine-phosphate is highest,second in imidazole-phosphate and lowest in sodium hydrogen phosphate.UV-Vis shows the absorbent range of BiPO4 shift to high wavelength.The BET show special surface of BiPO4 are 3.9472 m2/g,11.548 m2/g and 24.063 m2/g in sodium hydrogen phosphate,imidazole-phosphate and triethylene tetramine-phosphate,respectively.Three BiPO4 have photocatalystic performance under ultraviolet.The photocatalytic activity of BiPO4 synthesized in triethylene tetramine-phosphate is highest.The experiments inspect the preparation and photocatalystic conditions of BiPO4.

Key words: The three BiPO4 were prepared by ultrasonic technology.The rod BiPO4 were prepared with sodium hydrogen phosphate,the spindle BiPO4 were prepared with ionic liquid of imidazole-phosphate and the grain and rod BiPO4 synthesized by ionic liquid of triethylene tetramine-phosphate,respectively.The XRD indicate that peak of BiPO4 prepared in ionic liquid of triethylene tetramine-phosphate is highest,second in imidazole-phosphate and lowest in sodium hydrogen phosphate.UV-Vis shows the absorbent range of BiPO4 shift to high wavelength.The BET show special surface of BiPO4 are 3.9472 m2/g,11.548 m2/g and 24.063 m2/g in sodium hydrogen phosphate,imidazole-phosphate and triethylene tetramine-phosphate,respectively.Three BiPO4 have photocatalystic performance under ultraviolet.The photocatalytic activity of BiPO4 synthesized in triethylene tetramine-phosphate is highest.The experiments inspect the preparation and photocatalystic conditions of BiPO4.

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