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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1117-1121.

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Research in Preparation and Application of Graphene and Its Nanocomposites

LIN Sen;SUN Shi-yong;SHEN Ke-xuan   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: As a burgeoning two-dimensional carbon nano material, graphene has perfect crystal structure and many excellent physical and chemical properties.Graphene has broad application prospects due to its unique electrical, thermal, optical and mechanical properties, such as electronic devices, thermal materials, gas sensors, photosensitive components, environmental science and other fields.The development of graphene materials has become a hot research topic currently due to its potential value of practical applications.Graphene was introduced the source, structure, classifications and basic properties, then summarize the preparation methods and characteristics of graphene and its derivatives, and then introduce the latest research progress in electronics, materials, energy storage, environment and other fields of the nanocomposites of graphene and its derivatives.Lastly, the development prospect of graphene and its nanocomposites is prospected.

Key words: As a burgeoning two-dimensional carbon nano material, graphene has perfect crystal structure and many excellent physical and chemical properties.Graphene has broad application prospects due to its unique electrical, thermal, optical and mechanical properties, such as electronic devices, thermal materials, gas sensors, photosensitive components, environmental science and other fields.The development of graphene materials has become a hot research topic currently due to its potential value of practical applications.Graphene was introduced the source, structure, classifications and basic properties, then summarize the preparation methods and characteristics of graphene and its derivatives, and then introduce the latest research progress in electronics, materials, energy storage, environment and other fields of the nanocomposites of graphene and its derivatives.Lastly, the development prospect of graphene and its nanocomposites is prospected.

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