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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 1154-1159.

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Research Progress of TaC Coating on Carbon Materials

SHEN Xiao-song;WANG Song;LI Wei;JIANG Jin-ming   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Oxidation of carbon materials limit their applications as structural materials in aerospace fields.TaC coating can improve the anti-ablation and against oxidation at high-temperature effectively.The new advancement of oxidation resistant TaC coatings, including single-phase, multi-layer composite coatings, gradient and the second phase toughening coatings were reviewed, the oxidation mechanism of TaC coatings in high-temperature(>2000 ℃) were also introduced.In addition, the main research direction of depend on the problem in present research were also proposed.

Key words: Oxidation of carbon materials limit their applications as structural materials in aerospace fields.TaC coating can improve the anti-ablation and against oxidation at high-temperature effectively.The new advancement of oxidation resistant TaC coatings, including single-phase, multi-layer composite coatings, gradient and the second phase toughening coatings were reviewed, the oxidation mechanism of TaC coatings in high-temperature(>2000 ℃) were also introduced.In addition, the main research direction of depend on the problem in present research were also proposed.

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