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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (6): 962-969.

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Effect of Ba on Structures of Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6 Geopolymer and the Pollucite Ceramics

LI Jun;HOU Li;LU Zhong-yuan;DUAN Jian-xia   

  • Online:2017-06-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Geopolymer with chemical composition of about Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6·nH2O was prepared by using metakaolin and CsOH·H2O partly replaced by BaCl2.And the Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6 ceramics with pollucite structure were obtained through geopolymer precursors sintered at different temperatures.The crystal structures and morphologys of geopolymer and the pollucite were observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).Results show that the addition of Ba has greatly influence on structures of Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6·nH2O geopolymer and the pollucite.The CsCl and pollucite crystals would be formed in Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6·nH2O geopolymers with increasing of Ba content.And the main crystal structures of Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6 ceramics through geopolymer at different temperatures were pollucites.Part of Ba could enter into the lattice of pollucite and occupy the sites of Cs.But the content of Ba entered into the lattice of pollucite would be limited by the total amount of added Ba in Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6 and the sinter temperature.

Key words: Geopolymer with chemical composition of about Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6·nH2O was prepared by using metakaolin and CsOH·H2O partly replaced by BaCl2.And the Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6 ceramics with pollucite structure were obtained through geopolymer precursors sintered at different temperatures.The crystal structures and morphologys of geopolymer and the pollucite were observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).Results show that the addition of Ba has greatly influence on structures of Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6·nH2O geopolymer and the pollucite.The CsCl and pollucite crystals would be formed in Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6·nH2O geopolymers with increasing of Ba content.And the main crystal structures of Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6 ceramics through geopolymer at different temperatures were pollucites.Part of Ba could enter into the lattice of pollucite and occupy the sites of Cs.But the content of Ba entered into the lattice of pollucite would be limited by the total amount of added Ba in Cs1-xBaxAlSi2O6 and the sinter temperature.

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