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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (7): 1294-1299.

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Preparation of Silicon Oxycarbide Porous Ceramics by Silicone Resin

ZHANG Hai-sheng;ZHANG Jun-zhan;ZHANG Ying;HE Hui;WANG Ning   

  • Online:2017-07-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Silicon oxycarbide(Si-O-C) porous ceramics with single component, controllable pore structure and high ceramic yield were prepared at 1200 ℃ in N2 atmosphere by using RSN-6018 silicone resin as preceramic polymer and introducing certain content pre-cured silicone resin.The effects of the contents of pre-cured silicone resin on the microstructure and properties of Si-O-C porous ceramics were studied.Results show that pre-cured silicone resin can adjust the pore morphology, pore diameter and porosity of Si-O-C porous ceramics.When the content of pre-cured silicone resin is lower than 90wt;, the pore structure of Si-O-C porous ceramics changes from the through-hole to the through-pore formed by the overlapping of particles and then to the open pore formed by the accumulation of particles with the increasing of the content of pre-cured silicone resin.At the meanwhile, the porosity increases.However, the shrinkage decreases, whereas ceramic yield increases.The compressive strength of Si-O-C porous ceramics is 27.9-17.5 MPa.

Key words: Silicon oxycarbide(Si-O-C) porous ceramics with single component, controllable pore structure and high ceramic yield were prepared at 1200 ℃ in N2 atmosphere by using RSN-6018 silicone resin as preceramic polymer and introducing certain content pre-cured silicone resin.The effects of the contents of pre-cured silicone resin on the microstructure and properties of Si-O-C porous ceramics were studied.Results show that pre-cured silicone resin can adjust the pore morphology, pore diameter and porosity of Si-O-C porous ceramics.When the content of pre-cured silicone resin is lower than 90wt;, the pore structure of Si-O-C porous ceramics changes from the through-hole to the through-pore formed by the overlapping of particles and then to the open pore formed by the accumulation of particles with the increasing of the content of pre-cured silicone resin.At the meanwhile, the porosity increases.However, the shrinkage decreases, whereas ceramic yield increases.The compressive strength of Si-O-C porous ceramics is 27.9-17.5 MPa.

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