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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 1517-1520.

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Preparation and Performances of Building Ceramic by Molybdenum Tailings

WANG Xiu-lan;TIAN Da-wei;SHI Qing-hui;WANG Guo-liang   

  • Online:2017-08-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Building ceramic was prepared by molybdenum tailings as the main material, clay and quartz as accessories.The effect of sintering system such as sintering temperature and holding time on the performances of building ceramic was studied.The results show that good performance building ceramics can be made with molybdenum tailings as the main raw material by pressing methods.Under the condition of sintered temperature 1165 ℃, holding time 120 min, the prepared sample exhibited the following properties of bending strength 46.85 MPa, water absorption 0.43;, bulk density 2.23 g/cm3.Building ceramic made by molybdenum tailings can convert solid waste into a production, and form a closed production chain.It not only consumes a large number of industrial solid waste, but also reduces the pollution to the environment, which has good environmental benefits.

Key words: Building ceramic was prepared by molybdenum tailings as the main material, clay and quartz as accessories.The effect of sintering system such as sintering temperature and holding time on the performances of building ceramic was studied.The results show that good performance building ceramics can be made with molybdenum tailings as the main raw material by pressing methods.Under the condition of sintered temperature 1165 ℃, holding time 120 min, the prepared sample exhibited the following properties of bending strength 46.85 MPa, water absorption 0.43;, bulk density 2.23 g/cm3.Building ceramic made by molybdenum tailings can convert solid waste into a production, and form a closed production chain.It not only consumes a large number of industrial solid waste, but also reduces the pollution to the environment, which has good environmental benefits.

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