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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 1534-1539.

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Study on Preparation and Growth Mechanism of Potassium Titanate Whisker

FAN Jing;ZHOU Xue-song;CAI Yong-feng;CHANG Shi-yan;SHEN Yi;MENG Yan-zhi   

  • Online:2017-08-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Potassium hexatitanate (K2Ti6O13) whiskers were successfully prepared by the kneading-drying-calcination(KDC) method.The influence of the sintering time and sintering temperature on the crystallization process of the K2Ti6O13 whiskers were investigated by a thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis.The phase composition and crystal indices of the K2Ti6O13 whiskers were analyzed by X-ray diffraction.Furthermore, the microstructure of the whiskers was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, which revealed that the growth mechanism of the K2Ti6O13 whiskers.

Key words: Potassium hexatitanate (K2Ti6O13) whiskers were successfully prepared by the kneading-drying-calcination(KDC) method.The influence of the sintering time and sintering temperature on the crystallization process of the K2Ti6O13 whiskers were investigated by a thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis.The phase composition and crystal indices of the K2Ti6O13 whiskers were analyzed by X-ray diffraction.Furthermore, the microstructure of the whiskers was investigated by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, which revealed that the growth mechanism of the K2Ti6O13 whiskers.

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