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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1755-1758.

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Rapid Crystallized Preparation of Tungsten Based Ceramic Glaze and Its Photocatalytic Performance Research

HUANG Jian-feng;WANG Qing-gang;LIU Yi-jun;PAN Li-min;TONG Ji-feng;LI Jia-yin;HUANG Ling-yan   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Tungsten base ceramic crystalline glaze materials was prepared in this article and the WOP 2 O7 phases structure was obtained .By scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis found that its surface is characterized by significantly crystallization morphology , further EDS spectrum analysis found that the surface topography is tungsten crystalline glaze and the bottom is glaze phase .In the photocatalytic performance research found that the glaze layer material under ultraviolet visible light irradiation show certain catalytic degradation of rhodamine B solution , which provides the reference for ability of a functional value for ceramic crystalline glaze materials .

Key words: Tungsten base ceramic crystalline glaze materials was prepared in this article and the WOP 2 O7 phases structure was obtained .By scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis found that its surface is characterized by significantly crystallization morphology , further EDS spectrum analysis found that the surface topography is tungsten crystalline glaze and the bottom is glaze phase .In the photocatalytic performance research found that the glaze layer material under ultraviolet visible light irradiation show certain catalytic degradation of rhodamine B solution , which provides the reference for ability of a functional value for ceramic crystalline glaze materials .

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