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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1823-1827.

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Study on Influence Factors of Hardness of Electroformed Gold

ZHENG Li-shan;YUAN Xin-qiang;LEI Ting;WANG Cheng-bo   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Gold electrodeposits were studied by X-ray spectrometer , scanning electron microscope and microhardness tester .Results show that different samples have different Vickers hardness .By comparing grain size , the texture coefficient of the same crystal face , and Vickers hardness , it is found that abnormal hardness appeared when grain size of plating was in the nanocrystalline region , and the Hall-Petch rule wasn't suitable to analyze realationship between grain size and hardness .Gold plating has higher Vickers hardness when has stronger ( 111 ) preferred orientation .The highest Vickers hardness of eight plating samples can reach to 117 HV0.2.The maximum texture coefficient can be reached to 70. 59;.Stronger (111) preferred orientation may weaken surface roughness .By means of adding additives in electrodeposition technique , preferred orientation of plating could be controlled , and electrodeposits with higher hardness and smooth surface would be got .

Key words: Gold electrodeposits were studied by X-ray spectrometer , scanning electron microscope and microhardness tester .Results show that different samples have different Vickers hardness .By comparing grain size , the texture coefficient of the same crystal face , and Vickers hardness , it is found that abnormal hardness appeared when grain size of plating was in the nanocrystalline region , and the Hall-Petch rule wasn't suitable to analyze realationship between grain size and hardness .Gold plating has higher Vickers hardness when has stronger ( 111 ) preferred orientation .The highest Vickers hardness of eight plating samples can reach to 117 HV0.2.The maximum texture coefficient can be reached to 70. 59;.Stronger (111) preferred orientation may weaken surface roughness .By means of adding additives in electrodeposition technique , preferred orientation of plating could be controlled , and electrodeposits with higher hardness and smooth surface would be got .

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