JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (1): 88-93.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Controllable Preparation and UV Detection Performance of ZnO Nanorod Arrays Modified by Conducting Polyaniline Film

WANG Jianchao1,2,3, YANG Guanghui1, TANG Gege1, MA Mingyou4, PENG Huayong2,4   

  1. 1. School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China;
    2. The Collaborative Innovation Center of Manganese-Zinc-Vanadium Industrial Technology, Jishou 416000, China;
    3. Hunan Engineering Laboratory for Analyse and Drugs Development of Ethnomedicine in Wuling Mountains, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China;
    4. Laboratory and Equipment Administration Center, Jishou University, Jishou 416000, China
  • Received:2020-11-08 Online:2021-01-15 Published:2021-03-01

Abstract: Based on the photovoltage effect of p-n junction, UV detectors with excellent performance can be constructed. In this paper, vertically aligned ZnO nanorod arrays (n-type) ZnO-NRs were controllable prepared by hydrothermal method. The p-type polyaniline (PANI-NWs) was modified on the surface of ZnO-NRs by in-situ polymerization, and then assembled into ZnO-NRs and ZnO-NRs/PANI-NWs UV detectors. The morphology, structure and optical properties of the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and UV-Vis diffuse reflection spectroscopy. The current time (I-t) and current voltage (I-V) curves were measured by electrochemical workstation to characterize the light response properties. The results show that the ZnO-NRs/PANI-NW smaterials are arranged orderly, the interface contact is good, and the pores are uniform. When the ZnO-NRs/PANI-NWs detector detects 365 nm ultraviolet light, the photocurrent can reach 2.73×10-4 A; at 254 nm, the photocurrent can reach 1.44 × 10-4A, and its peak value is 4 to 10 times that of ZnO-NRs detector. The increase of photoconductivity is closely related to the p-n junction formed between ZnO-NRs and PANI-NWs. The UV detector assembled with ZnO-NRs/PANI-NWs material shows good stability, fast corresponding speed, short recovery time and high current gain, which provides data support for the development of high performance.

Key words: conducting polyaniline, ZnO nanorod array, hydrothermal method, p-n junction, photovoltaic effect, UV detection performance

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