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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2022, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 170-184.

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Research Progress of Kaolinite-Based Composites in Photocatalysis Application

ZHAO Yunpu1, CHENG Hongfei2, CAO Zhou1, JIA Yuefa1   

  1. 1. School of Water and Environment, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China;
    2. School of Earth Science and Resources, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China
  • Received:2021-09-23 Online:2022-01-15 Published:2022-02-09

Abstract: Environmental pollution and energy shortage have become major problems that need to be solved urgently in today's society. The photocatalytic treatment technology of kaolinite-based composites has attracted much attention because of its green environmental protection, economic safety, and no secondary pollution. In view of the current research status of kaolinite in the field of photocatalysis, the unique structural characteristics of kaolinite layered silicate and its application advantages in the field of photocatalysis are introduced in this paper, and the main types, basic characteristics, synthesis methods, modification processes, photocatalytic characteristics and application progress and advantages of kaolinite-based photocatalytic materials are summarized. Finally, the key research directions for the application of kaolinite-based composite materials in the field of photocatalysis are proposed. In order to obtain a kaolinite-based photocatalytic composite material with simple preparation process, excellent photocatalytic performance, easy access to raw materials and no environmental pollution, fundamentally solve the problem of environmental pollution and alleviate the crisis of energy shortage.

Key words: kaolinite, photocatalysis, TiO2/kaolinite, g-C3N4/kaolinite, ZnO/kaolinite, layer-by-layer self-assembly, degradation

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