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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2023, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (10): 1836-1841.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Cu(I) Organic Framework Based on Semi-Rigid Imidazolium Carboxylate Ligand: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Property

PAN Huibin1, WU Tingting2, GAO Xia3, LU Jiufu2   

  1. 1. Public Course Teaching Department, Shangluo Vocational and Technical College, Shangluo 726000, China;
    2. Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of Catalysis, College of Chemical and Environment Science, Shaanxi University of Technology, Hanzhong 723001, China;
    3. School of Chemical Engineering & Modern Materials, Shangluo University, Shangluo 726000, China
  • Received:2023-05-11 Published:2023-10-18

Abstract: Under solvothermal conditions, a new Cu(I) coordination polymer [Cu(H2O)(MIBA)]n was synthesized by using semi-rigid imidazole carboxylic acid ligand 4-(2-methylimidazole) benzoic acid and copper, in which MIBA is the negative monovalent anionic coordination polymer of 4-(2-methylimidazole) benzoic acid. The solid-state fluorescence properties of Cu(I) organic skeleton coordination polymer based on semi-rigid imidazole carboxylic acid ligands were studied at room temperature. The maximum emission peak of MIBA ligand is 433 nm, and the maximum emission peak of coordination polymer [Cu(H2O)(MIBA)]n is 412 nm, all of which show fluorescence properties. In addition, its crystal structure was characterized by X-ray single crystal diffractometer, infrared spectrum, thermogravimetric analysis and elemental analysis. X-ray single crystal diffraction shows that the polymer is a 3D→3D double interpenetrating network with a (64·82) four-connected single-node topology.

Key words: Cu(I) coordination polymer, semi-rigid imidazole carboxylic acid ligand, solvothermal method, topological structure, X-ray diffraction, fluorescence performance

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